Necessary Hiatus

You know that feeling when you board your car, start it and move on, just to realize a few minutes later that we have forgotten something and that we have to go back? Well, that’s my feeling concerning this site, a mission aborted early on.

It just happened that while I was ready to roll with this site our family lifestyle changed unexpectedly. We were on the hunt to purchase a house and we were about to sign, but circumstances made that it wasn’t going to happen. In other words, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) was to blame ultimately, as the bank and our family did our part.

With this failure, we decided to invest in ourselves and grow our family endeavors. One of these investments was natural since my wife works in the alley where the investments were made, making things so much easier. Also, I purchased a new computer, I was running an old computer where some parts were as old as 16 years old, making my work much harder and longer to accomplish. But this change came at a cost as during this computer change I had to transfer and cull hundreds of gigabyte of data, which forced me to neglect this newly made website and keep work to a minimal. Now all data set and doubled, I am safe and ready to move forward, or to continue with my early metaphor, take back the road.